How do you like the new deign? I saw it and was like-
And then I was like-
So... yeah.
Okay! Today's agenda- This BEAUTIFUL,
MARVELOUS, AMAZING bit of wonder. Ladies and (gentlemen, as if they still exist) I give you...
Yeah. I didn't get to see the movie (shame on me. It looked good!), BUT I have read book 1- Beautiful Creatures and book 2- Beautiful Darkness. And all of their wonderful, faint-worthy sexyness. Yeah. Leave me alone to fangirl about how awesome Etahn is, and how many beatings my feels took with that book. So many feels.
OH! AND guess what!?!?!?!?!?!?  Look what got released YESTERDAY!
Yeah! And I MISSED it!!!! When I get money, I an SO gonna buy it. Oh, and sometim ewhenever I do the next VLOG, I have movie stills!!!!!
These cover dresses are to die for! (See what I did there?) I especially love the selection! And Across a Star-Swept Sea? Beautiful!!!!! Maybe I can find the people who sew these dresses and be like "MAKE ME A DRESS!!!!" Yeah. I SO bet that would go well.
Anyone understand trig? Yeah, today's blog is more of a rant than anything else. I hate math, let's get that out of the way. I mean, WHAT IS THE POINT of learning someting you are never EVER going to use... like EVER? (Did you get the refrence?)
So, I've uploaded new videos on Youtube, though they might be the wrong ones. So... yeah. Do I honestly need to know how to use sine, cosine, and tangent to teach high-school students Spanish? Didn't think so! (If you love math and actually want to learn it, I am sorry. Maybe.)