So, I have a VERY important blog today- ont eh subject on fangirling.
We all do it, admit it. If it's over traditional things like books (Hunger Games! Divergent! Significance! Shadow Falls!) or guys, (Peeta! Finnick! FOUR!!!!! Caleb Jacobson!!!!!! <3!!!!!!!!! One Direction... eew!) we all embrace our nner fangirl at some point in our lives. Often in our teenage years.
I am a fangirl and proud of it, and fangirl over everything from books, Taylor Swift's new album, or those cute shoes I saw three weeks ago and my mom got for me but I'm not allowed to have them yet. (Yeah, Mommy. I want my shoes. Can I have them? Please?)
Some people wonder when fangirling is appropriate. And the answer is: Fangirling is appropriate at any occasion you see fit, except for a funeral. (Unless you're uber-happy the person died.) Fangirl when Wal-Mart finally got that wonky Pumpkin Spice coffee that you love. Fangirl over your favorite novel  becoming a movie. Fangirl over the new book...y'know, the one where the characters get MARRIED! Oh, and fangirl when your best friend for the rest of time and even after that because you guys are going to the same place in the afterlife, whether it be Heaven or the other place.
So, if you have any more questions about Fangirling, I would be DELIGHTED to answer. In fact, I would fangirl if I got any questions about fangirling.

     So, the site's almost compleately set up, which is GREAT. If there's anything you'd like me to reveiw, go ahead and leave a comment.